It occurred to me this morning that whilst nailing solar voltaic panels to your roof and wind turbines to anything is a worthy consideration that the simple act of hanging out your laundry rather than using the trusted tumble dryer is going to achieve significant energy savings and save money to boot..
Ok hanging laundry out, by some, is considered unsightly. Our weather often conspires against us and it is simply not viable for some that live in apartments yet just about everyone considering renewables is likely to be in a position to perform this simple act. I wonder if they do ?
Of all our domestic appliances, tumble dryers are typically the most energy hungry, with power consumption ranging from around 2kWh to 5kWh per cycle. This can result in CO2 emissions of around 330 kg to over 800 kg per year.
So CO2 saved by not using a tumble dryer:
An average tumble dryer runs at over 3.5 kWh per cycle
This equate to approx. 1.90 kg of CO2 per cycle.
If we assume a tumble dryer might be used 4 times a week, the CO2 emitted in just one week would be nearly 7.6 kg or 396.7 kg per year (which is the same as a Nissan 4x4 taking a round trip journey from London to Aberdeen!)
According to National Statistics, 54% of households in the UK own a tumble dryer, and there are 24.9 million households in the UK. As a conservative estimate if we say 40% of households use a tumble dryer frequently, that is nearly 10 million households. If each household just didn't use their dryer once, it would save the production of over 18 million kg (or over 18,000 tonnes) of CO2.
OK back to work .. I cant think of a clever way to bring the above inline with anything related to EKO UK other than we try our very best to be thoughtful when it comes to the environment and if every small company did the same whilst doing its damdest to stay buoyant there would be one less problem to solve out there.