Robin Vincent – Registrar of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
The Chief, CITS has brought to my attention the exemplary work ethic and professional performance of Mr. L. Evans.
I wish to extend to Mr. Evans special recognition for his work ethic and commitment.
Mr. Evans can take special pride in the work undertaken, the initiative shown and the technical expertise demonstrated in connection with the establishment of the Special Court for Sierra Leone’s Network and data systems as well as the development of office automation systems and applications.
Further, in spite of the time pressures and lack of Information Technology staff at the inception of the court when the greatest surge activities were undertaken, Mr. Evans has applied himself unreservedly and has demonstrated exceptional commitment in completing the tasks assigned. He has consistently worked long hours in order to achieve the stable and robust systems that are in place today.
His breadth of experience and knowledge of highly technical areas of Information Technology are a credit to the Court and make him an invaluable member of the Mission’s Communications and Information Technology component.