How to get your work motivation back

Ever find you are lacking motivation? Perhaps don't get the work done that you need to get done? Or maybe just feel a little oppressed by your work space… especially on gloomy weather days? Thankfully I don't really have that happen, but I do I find I can improve my mood and work flow by […]

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How to secure your website against CSRF

CSRF explained adobe acrobat x pro downloadWhat is CSRF and how does it work? CSRF, also known as XSRF, is short for Cross Site Request Forgery. OWASP’s definition for CSRF is this: A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically […]

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Together Geeks & Creatives can change the world

People working together can move mountains. Get geeks and creatives working together and we can change the world. buy cheap cigarettes Freelance techies and creatives can make a perfectly decent living working from home. It isn't a dynamic way to work, or an inspiring one, or even a fun one, but it works. To a […]

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Great new JQuery Carousel

Have a look at the effects possible with this script.  Will be using this in our next project.  I see some watches appearing on the conveyor belt.

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